现在,燃气发电机组是一种以液化气、自然气等可燃气体为燃烧物,取代汽油、柴油作为动员灵活力的新型,新能源发电机。燃气发电机具有出口功率范畴广,启动和运行可靠高、发电质量好、重量轻、体积小、保护简朴、低频噪声小等长处。 燃气发电机具有出口功率范畴广,启动和运行可靠高、发电质量好、重量轻、体积小、保护简朴、低频噪声小等长处,一样平常它们具有以下四个长处:
Nowadays, gas generator sets are a new type of new energy generator that uses combustible gases such as liquefied gas and natural gas as combustibles, replacing gasoline and diesel as mobilization energy. Gas generators have advantages such as a wide range of export power, high reliability in startup and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small size, simple protection, and low low-frequency noise. Gas generators have advantages such as a wide range of export power, high reliability in startup and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small size, simple protection, and low low-frequency noise. Generally, they have the following four advantages:
1、 Good power generation quality
Due to the fact that the generator set only rotates during operation, the response speed of the electrical regulation is fast, the operation is stable, the accuracy of the generator set's outlet voltage and efficiency is high, and the turbulence is small. When suddenly adding 50% and 75% of the air load, the unit gathers sand to form a tower and moves very steadily. It is superior to the electrical performance index of diesel generator set.
2、 Good starting performance and high success rate in starting

The time from successful cold start to full load is only 30 seconds, while guoj determines that the diesel generator is loaded 3 minutes after successful start. The success rate of gas turbine generator units can be guaranteed to start under any temperature and weather conditions.
3、 Low noise and vibration
As the gas turbine rotates at a high speed, its vibration is very small, and the low-frequency noise is better than that of the diesel generator set.
4、 The combustible gas accepted is a clean and inexpensive energy source
For example, gas, straw gas, methane, etc., power generation units fueled by them not only operate reliably, have low costs, but also can turn waste into wealth without pollution.