190 发电机组配件种类繁多,对于确保发电机组的正常运行起着至关重要的作用。以下将详细介绍 190 发电机组的常见配件。
There are various types of accessories for the 190 generator set, which play a crucial role in ensuring the normal operation of the generator set. The following will provide a detailed introduction to the common accessories of the 190 generator set.
Engine components:
活塞:在发动机气缸内上下运动,实现将燃料燃烧产生的热能转化为机械能。活塞通常由高强度铝合金制成,具有良好的耐热性和耐磨性。例如在 16V190 燃气发动机中,活塞需要承受高温高压的工作环境,其质量和性能直接影响发动机的动力输出和可靠性。
Piston: It moves up and down inside the engine cylinder to convert the heat energy generated by fuel combustion into mechanical energy. Pistons are usually made of high-strength aluminum alloy, which has good heat resistance and wear resistance. For example, in a 16V190 gas engine, the piston needs to withstand a high-temperature and high-pressure working environment, and its quality and performance directly affect the engine's power output and reliability.
Connecting rod: connects the piston and crankshaft, converting the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotational motion of the crankshaft. Connecting rods are generally made of high-quality alloy steel, which has sufficient strength and stiffness. In some cases, such as in coking gas generator sets, if the impurity content in the gas is too high, it may cause premature deterioration of the engine oil, corrosion of the connecting rod small head bushing, excessive clearance, resulting in excessive impact force on the connecting rod, reducing the strength of the connecting rod small head, and even leading to connecting rod fracture.
The crankshaft is one of the core components of the engine, which converts the force transmitted from the connecting rod into rotational torque output. The crankshaft is usually forged from high-strength alloy steel and undergoes precision machining and heat treatment to ensure sufficient strength, hardness, and toughness.
凸轮轴:控制发动机气门的开启和关闭时间。在 12V190 燃气发电机组降排温试验中,通过采用不同的凸轮轴来摸索降低排温的最佳配置。
Camshaft: controls the opening and closing time of engine valves. In the 12V190 gas generator set temperature reduction test, the optimal configuration for reducing exhaust temperature was explored by using different camshafts.
Electrical components:
发电机:将发动机输出的机械能转化为电能。发电机的性能直接影响发电机组的输出功率和稳定性。例如在 Z12V190 柴油发电机组油改气现场应用中,对发电机部分进行了升级改造,改造后机组运行平稳,输出功率 425kW。
Generator: Convert the mechanical energy output by the engine into electrical energy. The performance of the generator directly affects the output power and stability of the generator set. For example, in the on-site application of Z12V190 diesel generator unit oil to gas conversion, the generator part was upgraded and renovated. After the renovation, the unit operated smoothly with an output power of 425kW.
控制模块:可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)是一种常用的控制模块,用于操作自动发电机组系统。在 PLC 中,命令以图像形式呈现,可被解释为逻辑电路命令,称为梯形图。输入信号通常是开关,输出信号命令是负载。在 190 发电机组中,输出信号可以是电机,类似于发电机,基于发电机的逻辑运行。
Control module: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a commonly used control module for operating automatic generator systems. In PLC, commands are presented in graphical form and can be interpreted as logic circuit commands, known as ladder diagrams. The input signal is usually a switch, and the output signal command is a load. In a 190 generator set, the output signal can be a motor, similar to a generator, operating based on the logic of the generator.
Cooling system accessories:
水泵:在发动机冷却系统中,水泵负责循环冷却液,将发动机产生的热量带走。在 12V190 燃气发电机组降排温试验中,采用大流量水泵来降低排温。
Water pump: In the engine cooling system, the water pump is responsible for circulating the coolant and taking away the heat generated by the engine. In the temperature reduction test of the 12V190 gas generator set, a high flow water pump is used to reduce the exhaust temperature.
Radiator: It dissipates heat from the coolant to the air through fins and fans, keeping the engine within the appropriate operating temperature range. The heat dissipation performance of the radiator directly affects the reliability and lifespan of the engine.
Accessories for intake and exhaust systems:
进气管:将空气引入发动机气缸。在 12V190 燃气发电机组降排温试验中,采用切向进气管来摸索降低排温的最佳配置。
Intake pipe: It introduces air into the engine cylinder. In the 12V190 gas generator set temperature reduction test, a tangential intake pipe was used to explore the optimal configuration for reducing exhaust temperature.
Exhaust pipe: It discharges the exhaust gas from the combustion of the engine. The design of exhaust pipes needs to consider the emission efficiency and noise reduction effect of exhaust gases.
Fuel system accessories:
Fuel pump: delivers fuel from the fuel tank to the engine. The performance of the fuel pump directly affects the stability and reliability of the engine's fuel supply.
Fuel injector: atomizes fuel and sprays it into the engine cylinder, mixing it with air for combustion. The atomization effect of fuel injectors directly affects the combustion efficiency and emission performance of the engine.
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