一、把液压油放尽弃掉,拧紧接头掏出油过滤器,洗清后,用压缩空气清理干净,然后放回油箱,并连接好管路。( 换上新油,不要继承使用旧油。否则液压升降机系统中的运动部件就会加速磨损。)
1、 Drain and discard the hydraulic oil, tighten the joint, remove the oil filter, clean it with compressed air, and then return it to the oil tank and connect the pipeline. (Replace with new oil and do not inherit the use of old oil. Otherwise, the moving components in the hydraulic elevator system will accelerate wear and tear.)
2、 Remove and disassemble the elevator lowering valve, blow out the plunger with compressed air, then install it and reinstall it.
三、液压油的油质和油位。升降机全程升起,在这位置时,液压地面应高出箱底 40~50 毫米。如发现液压油变暗、发粘或者有砂砾等异物, 应及时更换(32#液压油)。
3、 The quality and level of hydraulic oil. The elevator should be raised throughout the entire process, and at this position, the hydraulic ground should be 40-50 millimeters higher than the bottom of the box. If the hydraulic oil becomes dark, sticky, or has foreign objects such as gravel, it should be replaced in a timely manner (32 # hydraulic oil).
四、各部位均加注一些润滑油,延长升降机轴承使用寿命。 检查液压升降机滚轮、中间轴及轴承,油缸销轴及轴承,臂架铰轴及轴承等有无磨损。
4、 Add some lubricating oil to each part to extend the service life of the elevator bearings. Check for wear on the roller, intermediate shaft, and bearings of the hydraulic elevator, as well as the pin shaft and bearings of the oil cylinder, as well as the hinge shaft and bearings of the boom.
5、 Any part of the hydraulic system must first be depressurized to prevent pressure oil from spraying out and the elevator workbench suddenly sliding down.
6、 Do not adjust the overflow valve arbitrarily. Each component in the hydraulic elevator system operates under a specified pressure. Arbitrary adjustment of the overflow valve may cause abnormal operation of the hydraulic system.
7、 When inspecting under the working platform of the elevator, it is necessary to lift and support the working platform to prevent the elevator from suddenly descending.
8、 Non professional personnel are not allowed to disassemble and assemble electrical appliances at will to prevent electric shock or incorrect connection.