Many users will encounter unstable voltage of diesel generator set in the process of using diesel generator set. What is the reason? How should we deal with it? The following are the causes and solutions of voltage instability of diesel generator set:
1、电线接线部份松动 检查柴油发电机组各连接部分,并与修理。
1. Check and repair the connecting parts of diesel generator set for looseness of wire wiring.
2、控制屏电压-电流选择开关失效 更换柴油发电机组开关。
2. If the voltage current selection switch on the control panel fails, replace the switch of diesel generator set.

3、控制屏电压调整电阻器失效 更换电压调压电阻器。
3. The voltage regulation resistor of the control panel is invalid. Replace the voltage regulation resistor.
4、电压表失效 ,显示电压不稳 更换电压表。
4. If the voltmeter fails and the voltage is unstable, replace the voltmeter.
5、发电机电压调节器不良或未调整调压器 仔细检查电压调节器是否不良或没有调整到位。即时更换或调整。
5. The generator voltage regulator is poor or not adjusted. Carefully check whether the voltage regulator is poor or not adjusted in place. Replace or adjust immediately.
6、可能柴油发电机组运转中振动过大引起 即时查看是不是发电机组的减震垫损坏或机组不平衡。
6. It may be caused by excessive vibration during the operation of diesel generator set. Check immediately whether the damping pad of generator set is damaged or the unit is unbalanced.
7、可能是发动机的速度不稳定引起电压不稳 调整或改换柴油机燃油系统零件使其速度稳定。
7. The voltage instability may be caused by the unstable speed of the engine. Adjust or change the parts of the fuel system of the diesel engine to stabilize the speed.
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