目前,燃气发电机组是一种以液化气、天然气等可燃气体为燃烧物,代替汽油、柴油作为发动机动力的新型,高效的新能源发电机。燃气发电机具有输出功率范围广,启动和运行可靠高、发电质量好、重量轻、体积小、维护简单、低频噪声小等优点。 燃气发电机具有输出功率范围广,启动和运行可靠高、发电质量好、重量轻、体积小、维护简单、低频噪声小等优点,一般它们具有以下四个优点:
At present, gas generator sets are a new and efficient new energy generator that uses combustible gases such as liquefied gas and natural gas as combustion materials, replacing gasoline and diesel as engine power. Gas generators have the advantages of wide output power range, high reliability in startup and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small size, simple maintenance, and low low-frequency noise. Gas generators have the advantages of wide output power range, high reliability in startup and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small size, simple maintenance, and low low-frequency noise. Generally, they have the following four advantages:
一、发电质量好 由于发电机组工作时只有旋转运动,电调反应速度快,工作特别平稳,发电机组输出电压和频率的精度高,波动小,在突加空减50%和75%负载时,机组集腋成裘驼行非常稳定。优于柴油发电机组的电气性能指标。
1、 Good power generation quality is due to the fact that the generator set only operates in rotational motion, with fast response speed and particularly stable operation. The accuracy of the output voltage and frequency of the generator set is high, and the fluctuation is small. When suddenly adding and reducing 50% and 75% of the load, the unit operates very stably. Electrical performance indicators superior to diesel generator sets.
二、启动性能好,启动成功率高 从冷态启动成功后到满负载的时间仅为30秒钟,而国际规定柴油发电机启动成功后3分钟带负载。燃气轮发电机组可以任何环境温度和气候下保证启动的成功率。
2、 Good starting performance and high success rate. The time from successful cold start to full load is only 30 seconds, while international regulations stipulate that diesel generators should be loaded for 3 minutes after successful start. Gas turbine generator sets can ensure the success rate of startup under any ambient temperature and climate.
三、噪声低振动小 由于燃汽轮机处于高速旋转状态,它的振动非常小,而且低频噪声优于柴油发电机组。
3、 Low noise and low vibration. Due to the high-speed rotation of the gas turbine, its vibration is very small, and low-frequency noise is better than diesel generator sets.
四、采用的可燃性气体是清洁、廉价的能源 诸如:瓦斯气,秸秆气,沼气等,以它们为燃料的发电机组不仅运行可靠,成本低,而且能变废为宝,不会产生污染。促进节能减排具备的优点
4、 The combustible gases used are clean and inexpensive energy sources such as gas, straw gas, biogas, etc. The power generation units fueled by them not only operate reliably and have low costs, but also can turn waste into treasure without generating pollution. Advantages of promoting energy conservation and emission reduction