The cogeneration biogas generator unit should improve the utilization rate of biogas in the biogas power generation system, and fully utilize the waste gas generated during the biogas power generation process and the waste heat generated in the engine cooling system. The specific content should be introduced.
There are three types of waste heat utilization for cogeneration biogas generator sets
The residual heat of engine exhaust gas is generated through a waste heat boiler to heat the digester with steam
The residual heat of engine exhaust gas is generated into hot water through a heat exchanger → heating the digester
The residual heat from engine exhaust is used in the air conditioning system through exhaust gas absorption type cold and hot water heaters

Utilization of waste heat in cooling water of cogeneration biogas generator units
Residual heat in engine cooling water → hot water is generated through a heat exchanger to heat the digester
The biogas power generation system can actively and effectively utilize biogas, converting approximately 30% of its energy into electricity and 40% into thermal energy. While fully meeting people's strict requirements for environmental protection, the biogas engine uses four stroke, high-pressure ignition, turbocharging, intercooler, dilution combustion and other technologies to convert the chemical energy of biogas into mechanical energy through the combustion of biogas in the cylinder.
利用热回收技术可将燃气内燃机中润滑油、中冷器、缸套水和尾气排放中的热量充分回收利用而组成热动机组。一般从发动机热回收系统中吸收的热量以90℃的热水形式供给热交换中心使用。内燃机正常回水温度为70℃。在污水处理厂中可利用这一热量给消化池进行热。燃气内燃机机械效率通常达40%,热效率可达50%,总效率高达90%.通常在O 为5%的情况下燃烧后排放的NO 500毫克/米 ,完全满足环保的要求。
The heat recovery technology can be used to fully recover and utilize the heat from lubricating oil, intercooler, cylinder liner water and exhaust emissions in gas engine to form a thermal power unit. The heat absorbed from the engine heat recovery system is generally supplied to the heat exchange center in the form of 90 ℃ hot water. The normal return water temperature of the internal combustion engine is 70 ℃. In sewage treatment plants, this heat can be used to heat the digestion tank. The mechanical efficiency of gas internal combustion engine is usually 40%, the thermal efficiency is 50%, and the total efficiency is up to 90%. Normally, when O is 5%, the NO emitted after combustion is 500 mg/m, fully meeting the requirements of environmental protection.