在发电机出租修理中,常常需要清洁零件外表的油污、积炭、水垢和锈蚀物等。由于各种污物的性质不同,其铲除办法也不一样。 那么发电机清洗零件的办法有哪些呢?
In the rental and repair of generators, it is often necessary to clean the oil, carbon, scale and rust on the surface of parts. Due to the different nature of various pollutants, their eradication methods are also different. So what are the ways to clean the parts of the generator?
一、油污清洗 零件外表的油污沉积较厚时应先刮除。二手发电机出租清洗零件办法,一般清洗零件外表油污,常用的清洗液有碱性清洗液和合成洗涤剂。运用碱性清洗液进行热清洗时,加热至70~90℃,将零件浸入10~15min,然后取出并用清水冲洗洁净,再用压缩空气吹干。
1、 When the oil deposit on the surface of oil cleaning parts is thick, it shall be scraped off first. The method of renting used generators to clean parts is generally to clean the oil on the surface of parts. The commonly used cleaning fluids include alkaline cleaning fluid and synthetic detergent. When using alkaline cleaning solution for thermal cleaning, heat it to 70 ~ 90 ℃, immerse the parts for 10 ~ 15min, then take them out and wash them with clean water, and then blow them dry with compressed air.

二、积炭铲除 铲除积炭可运用简略的机械铲除法。即用金属刷子或刮刀等进行铲除,但此办法不易将积炭铲除洁净,而且易损伤零件外表。选用化学办法铲除积炭,即先运用退炭剂(化学溶液)加热至80~90℃,将零件上的积炭胀大,然后再用毛刷等进行铲除。
2、 Carbon deposition can be removed by simple mechanical removal method. That is, remove it with a metal brush or scraper, but this method is not easy to remove the carbon deposit, and it is easy to damage the appearance of the parts. Chemical methods are used to eliminate carbon deposits, that is, first heat the carbon remover (chemical solution) to 80 ~ 90 ℃, swell the carbon deposits on the parts, and then remove them with a brush.
三、水垢的铲除 发电机清洗一般选用化学铲除法,将铲除水垢的化学溶液加入到冷却液中,发动机作业必定时间后,再更换冷却液。常用铲除水垢的化学溶液有:苛性钠溶液或盐酸溶液、氟化钠盐酸除垢剂和磷酸除垢剂,磷酸除垢剂适合用于铲除铝合金零件上的水垢。
3、 The chemical removal method is generally used for cleaning the generator. The chemical solution for removing the scale is added to the coolant. The coolant can be replaced after the engine operates for a certain time. Common chemical solutions for scale removal include caustic soda solution or hydrochloric acid solution, sodium fluoride hydrochloric acid scale remover and phosphoric acid scale remover. Phosphoric acid scale remover is suitable for scale removal on aluminum alloy parts.
The above is the introduction of 190 generator set accessories. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.huannengpower.cn