The power range of gas-fired generator sets varies depending on the type and application scenario.
Power range: The power of a gas-fired generator set is generally between 1.5 kW and 2000 kW. Specifically, the power of household gas generators is usually around 1.5 kW to 15 kW. The power of gas-fired generators used in industrial or large-scale power plants can reach several hundred kilowatts or even higher, up to 2000 kilowatts.
Type: Gas generator sets are mainly divided into two types: combined cycle gas turbines and gas internal combustion engines. Gas turbines have high power and are suitable for large and medium-sized power plants; Gas internal combustion engines have lower power and are suitable for small distributed power plants.
Technical features: Weichai WP16NG-4.0 gas engine is a high-performance gas engine with a power of 750 horsepower and a torque of 3400N · m. It features efficient intake technology, high-precision gas distribution technology, and is suitable for long-distance trunk lines and complex terrain transportation conditions.
Gas turbine generators, with their high efficiency and environmental friendliness, have gradually become a new type of power equipment to replace traditional fuel and coal-fired units.
The power calculation of a gas-fired generator set can be performed using the following formula:
Among them:
P 表示燃气发电机组的输出功率(单位:千瓦,kW);
P represents the output power of the gas-fired generator set (unit: kilowatts, kW);
U 表示电压(单位:伏特,V);
U represents voltage (unit: volt, V);
I 表示电流(单位:安培,A);
I represents current (unit: ampere, A);
cosφ 表示功率因数,一般在0.8到1之间。
Cos φ represents the power factor, which is generally between 0.8 and 1.
If the voltage and current of the gas-fired generator set are known, the above formula can be directly used to calculate its power. If it is necessary to calculate the current based on known power and voltage, or to calculate the voltage based on known current and power, the following formula can be used:
U = P / I
U = P / I
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